Moonhub Blog

July 25, 2024
Blog Post

What is an AI agent and what will they do? Experts explain

In the future, artificial intelligence (AI) assistants could transform the way we make decisions and even how we interact. But what are AI agents?
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World Economic Forum
June 3, 2024

EmTech Digital 2024 Presentation: Revolutionize Recruitment with AI

Nancy Xu, Founder & CEO of Moonhub spoke during EmTech Digital 2024 about the opportunity AI has today to revolutionize the way companies hire.
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Allison Butler
May 14, 2024
Case Study

Building Omneky's Engineering Team After Seed Funding

Omneky turned to Moonhub for help hiring their AI and ML teams after securing Seed funding; Moonhub filled three critical roles in three months.
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April 24, 2024
Blog post

Winning the Tech Talent War: External Recruiters Unleashed

Many have the wrong idea about external recruiters, but we're outlining the 5 key reasons why you need to hire external recruiters to help you scale.
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Allison Butler
April 10, 2024
Blog Post

The Cost of a Bad Hire: Explained

Startups are tasked with moving fast. Fast hiring, fast growth, fast success. But what happens when moving quickly comes at the sacrifice of quality?
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April 8, 2024
Blog Post

Nailing Hiring as a Startup

Startups don’t have time, money, or employee morale to waste with bad hires. Check out our 10 best practices to nail hiring at your startup.
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April 5, 2024
Talent Spotlight

Moonhub's Engineering Talent Spotlight: Week of April 1st

Each week we'll share the top six engineering candidates who are ready to join the next big startup and help them scale.
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